2022 – not the year of this blog!
Bonne Année / Happy New Year

I hope you have had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year? We have had a quiet time, albeit non-stop food and drink service for Max and I!

As a new year begins, and one in which I have a rather big birthday, it is inevitable that we look back at the year gone by. As the title of this blog suggests, it was not the year of this blog. I made many plans, many promises and that was as far as I got. Life decidedly got in the way last year. Each week, often each day, something happened that took all our attention – sometimes the house, the garden, the rescue animals, family, work, etc. It was both a long year and a short one. We did make some great progress and equally very little.

In the summer my Mother decided to take us up on the offer to come and live with us. A huge adventure for her. When I took her home in August we put the house on the market and started the process of sorting things out and planning the coming months, with the hope of her being installed in France by Christmas. Well we achieved that which was great, but also an enormous undertaking which occupied a large part of my time. I am very proud of her for making this decision as it is not easy for her to leave all her friends behind and her very busy social life. There were tears and laughter, lots of memories, fabulous meals provided by wonderful friends and some great finds during the attic sorting! The next few months will be challenging for her, not just because the house will be cold. Hopefully many of her friends and, of course, family will come and visit this year.
Over the coming week I am getting back to planning this blog. I love writing it and hope you enjoy reading it. I will sift through all the promises I made and make them happen. I am also going to select some highlights from the last year to remind you of some of our discoveries and adventures too. There are also so many tales to recount, not to mention countless gorgeous sky photos!

For now though, let me wish you all a very happy, healthy and wonderful 2023. I know many face challenges and difficult times this year. I plan to try to appreciate and treasure each day as we never know what is around the corner. This is definitely the year to do some of the things I love and reset the rhythm of our life a little.

A bientôt
Ali xx

Allison Mead
Beautiful for your mother.
Thank you.