Blown off course!
Hello Everyone
I can’t believe that I haven’t managed to post anything for such a long time. What a few months. Home duties, several deaths and all that is going on in the world have had quite an impact on me. Life can feel a little full on at times with all the things we have to do for everyone here. The downside of living in the countryside with no public transport or places that non-drivers can easily get to. A friend and one of my cousin’s dying at 58 was quite sobering and enormously sad. Another friend finding life just too hard to continue was heart-breaking. Life has thrown a fair few challenges our way recently so I have been rather blown off course! Then of course we had the French elections, a nervous time given the results of the first round. I try not to be too political here but the world is in a very odd and scary place at the moment from many aspects. A swing to the far right was and is deeply concerning. However both the UK and France have now had their elections and change is in place for both. Fingers crossed for both countries. As for other world matters, we can but hope that humanity will prevail one day soon…
I often say we need to embrace life, enjoy each moment but let’s face it that is definitely easier said than done! We all get mired in daily chores, duties, work, worries, etc, and lose sight of being in the moment. It takes quite an effort to be truly present in each day and really relish the time we have. A goal for me, one that I definitely have to work at.

Now I’m back. I love writing this blog but do you enjoy reading it? What could I do more of, less of? What’s missing? What do you love?
The last few months have been witness to the oddest Spring and early Summer weather-wise since we arrived in France. Temperatures have lurched from 18°C to 32°C sometimes within 24 hours, we have had storms, rain (lots of it) and some sunny warm days. A couple of weeks ago I travelled over to the UK for the funeral of my cousin, leaving the Tarn at 15°C, arriving to a UK enjoying a SW France heatwave, 30°C all the way! It has been hard to get the garden in shape as it has been so water-logged. However we have managed to finally dig out the potager so it has 4 matching beds around my wonderful Bay tree, grown from a tiny slip of about 15cm many years ago to now a little taller than me. It survived moving to France (in the days when plants could move to France!) but struggled a bit at first and has now settled in very happily. We also opened the pool, early for once, but not had much chance to use it thanks to the chilly weather! Planting has happened, in the veg plot – courgettes, aubergine, peppers, and lots of seeds, in the garden – a new lavender bed by the pool, geranium, tobacco plants, Gaura and lobelia in pots around the pool, repotted hydrangea now enjoying the boost in the new soil.

We had cherries this year for the first time in 3 years! So exciting. Some have been preserved, lots eaten. This year I also finally made use of our profuse elderflowers – sorbets, cordial and for the first time Elderflower ‘Champagne’! My grandmother used to make this for us as children – a fun ‘grown-up’ drink many years ago. We tried the first bottle the other day – surprisingly it had become fizzy and was rather delicious. The elderflower and champagne sorbet also delightful – I have to confess I used a local sparkling wine and the result is more like a water ice as I didn’t add egg whites but very refreshing. I made some sorbet with elderflower and blood orange sorbet too, with rosé wine – yummy! Then the elderflowers came to an end. The strawberries this year were plentiful so we have a few jars of jam to enjoy – the best set I think I have ever had with strawberry jam!

We have had visitors to stay and enjoyed exploring new vineyards. We have been off to stay with friends near Duras (further to the west), a lovely break. We have also been putting together a new venture and contemplating a new adventure. More on that soon!
Jobs in the house have meandered along, not speedily enough as we are always pulled off in different directions. New plans, adjusted plans – the story of our time here. The garden has taken precedence to get a very busy lawn under control. Repairs are endless, finished spaces few and far between! A work in progress is absolutely what this renovation project is all about. We love this house but it is not without its challenges, endless challenges. A fascinating history, great features, such character, but also so demanding in her need for attention!

I am determined to get back on track with my posts. There are lots of food focussed things to share, places we have been and renovation ideas. Time is rarely on my side – so many ideas!
I hope I can persuade you to continue to be patient with me and join us as we continue our journey in our little corner of France.

Have a good week.
A bientôt
Ali xx