Getting some perspective
Bonjour à tous,
I hope you are all well? In a week where sensible precautions against Covid were scrapped in the UK along with free tests, where another person died as a result of being shot by a hunter here in France and we woke up on Thursday morning to the news that Putin had invaded the Ukraine, I have stopped feeling sorry for myself and changed what I was going to write about. I am going a little off-piste this week and not writing about the minutiae of our life here in France. I had also thought to give you an insight into changing rural addresses in France. However given the state of the world we are living in, it all felt rather inappropriate.
I did have the renovation/life blues but in the scheme of things that is really not even remotely a problem. I have a roof (albeit in one place rather leaky) over my head, we are not under threat (well apart from the ‘charming’ neighbour but that doesn’t count) and we avoid the hunters as much as possible, plus we have a 46kg dog which tends to put people off approaching us!

The situation in the Ukraine is terrifying. I can’t imagine how people living there must be feeling. We must all do what we can to help and support them, along with those in other parts of the world living through the same nightmare. The global reaction has, in the main, been one of horror, and the EU has demonstrated unity among 27 very different nations in the face of this aggression. Many landmarks across the world have been lit in the colours of the Ukrainian flag. It was also heartening to see the Ukrainian flag and the words ‘Solidarity with Ukraine’ displayed in the corner of the screen on many TV channels last night. In France, as in many countries, people are donating money, food, clothing, medicine and more to do what they can to assist Ukrainians, as well as offering accommodation to those fleeing their country. The support from the countries neighbouring Ukraine is inspiring. We will see what unfolds over the coming days but these are indeed worrying times.

March has arrived and Spring is in the air here now, although it is still chilly (and frosty) at night. My hellebores are finally showing their faces, along with the first daffodils of the season. Lots to do in the garden, just waiting for the night-time frosts to abate. It is lovely to see the Euphorbia beginning to form their vibrant green ‘flowers’, slowly lifting their heads after months of drooping to guard themselves against the frosts, winds and rain. I so look forward to the bright green splashes of this plant in the garden, lifting the mood. Let’s hope that the Ukrainians can also enjoy the Spring soon. Our thoughts are with each and every one of them.

After months of slightly ad hoc posts, rarely on time, March will take on a more organised look! Weekly posts will shift to Fridays, Seasonal Food and Places to Visit posts will continue monthly. There are some new ideas in the pipeline, so watch out for information coming soon. Thank you for your patience.
Enjoy the week. Let’s hope world news is better soon. Take care. I leave you with the national flower of the Ukraine, the sunflower – a symbol of sunshine.

A bientôt
Ali xx
Eiffel Tower photograph courtesy of cnews.fr [THOMAS COEX / AFP]