It’s the little things!
Bonjour to you all.
Earlier this week, I was sitting in my kitchen after some hard work in the garden. The weather has been amazing and the pool beckoned that afternoon. As I was finishing the slate edging to another flower bed, I could see the water sparkling in the sunshine – very tempting to just spend the day by the pool. One day…
Everyone who has ever renovated a house will know that sometimes you look at the enormity of the project and feel like you will never get there, or you will be 103 and doddering around paintbrush in one hand, clutching the walking frame with the other! We had one of those ‘too much to do’ moments at the weekend, so first thing on Monday we sat down to look at what we need to do and when – again! We seem to have to do this from time to time, as plans go awry, life throws unexpected things in our path and we try to juggle too many jobs at once! All is calm now and we have a realistic plan for this week, next week and so on. That is until something comes along that we were not expecting!
Sometimes when things get stressful, you just have to take a moment and celebrate the little things in life – a snuggle with one of the kittens, a pretty feather found in the garden, a lovely glass of rosé on the terrace, a chat with family or friends, dawn, the beautiful blooms in the garden, and ticking jobs off the to-do list. Just realising how lucky we are to be here in the Tarn, in the countryside in a lovely house is important. Also, on a personal note, this is week 35 of the blog – I am really pleased I have kept it going. I hope you are enjoying it?
This week I have finally completed flower bed number 2 of the three diamond shaped beds around fruit trees in the front garden. They are a work in progress but will, I hope, look great when finished.
I am also trying to tackle the rose garden, which has been overtaken by weeds and some ornamental grass that we pulled out early last year. That was a job as you can see from the photo – back breaking! Obviously many seeds got left behind, all trying to re-establish themselves in the garden. A little here and there I don’t mind but taking over – non!

In the potager there are the first signs of delicious courgettes and peas to come. I have pulled out the old spinach plants to make way for some beans. I am also growing sweet potatoes for the first time this year. I thought I would try something new each year to see what works. Last year was melons, this year sweet potatoes! Everything is rather late though and some home grown plants have had to be substituted with bought plants, as the seeds took so long to germinate in the cold. My accident with Raoul in April (see Post Contretemps with the Cat), really has set me back this year. C’est la vie and another of those things that landed in our path to get in the way of grand plans.
We also collected the chair that I mentioned we had bought last week – I have plans to re-cover it. It is a pretty little chair and very comfortable – a brighter fabric would set it off perfectly. Max and I have been working out what furniture will go where and one of our jobs, once we have cleaned the attics post insulation job and put the paints, etc, back, is to start moving furniture to possible final destinations. This will help us see what we still need as well as what works in each space, and maybe stop me snapping up bargains at brocantes and vide-maisons that we don’t really need!

The insulation job is complete (see post The Angle Grinder Incident) and all the attics have their duvets on now. Even the cellar and outside loo have had a bit of padding added to the ceiling. Hopefully this will make a difference to the temperature in the winter! The cats have had their first attic visit – actually for Nina the second as she nipped into the other attic while the insulation was being done and had a good explore!

Next week is the latest in the series Places to Visit and we are off to Varen in the Tarn et Garonne. I can’t wait to show you around.

On Thursday evening two of the beloved kittens caught a snake and seemingly deposited it under the car, or maybe it tried to hide there. We had to rescue the poor thing before the cats would consider moving! I am amazed that the snake came off worse. These kittens are quite brave really, although the hunting side of cats is horrible.
We are still eating lots of home-grown strawberries and now some raspberries too, which is very exciting as I thought the late frosts had put paid to all prospect of any raspberries. The sweet peas and cornflowers keep on blooming, and with so many roses we have flowers for the house too – something I love.
When I pruned the wisteria earlier this year, I found a seed pod – I am not sure I have ever seen a wisteria seed pod, or perhaps noticed before now. Once it had dried I opened it to find 3 seeds and thought I would pop them in a pot and see what happens. I am very excited to report that they have sprouted. A first for me (growing wisteria from seed) and now the potential of 3 more wisteria plants in the garden – in a while of course. Do you remember the white watermelon story (see posts: Marmalade and Moodboards and Marmite and Mimosa)? I saved some of the seeds to grow – well they have sprouted too – probably a little late but I have plenty more for next year. I may also have some self-seeded cucumbers growing in the potager. I can’t tell you how many seeds and pips are being popped into pots now! We will be overrun with plants soon.
This last week has also seen a lot of admin, tax returns being one of the jobs done. Nothing is quick and I seem to seriously underestimate the time needed for admin jobs here! By this time next week, we will have had our residency permit appointments – hopefully all will be OK. Fingers crossed.
Now I plan to get back to painting. Next week’s jobs include some garden furniture and the hall. All will be revealed.
As I finish this, thunder rumbles overhead, a passing storm ahead of a hot weekend. The clouds have been stunning. A big plus is that we had some brief spots of rain, enough to make us come in from having a cup of tea in the garden, so a little more water for the plants. Another job off the ‘to do’ list for today.

Have a wonderful week wherever you are.
Thank you as ever for joining me.
A bientot
Ali xx
PS So sorry this is late – the Nadal/Djokovic tennis match at Roland Garros was amazing on Friday evening. Even on the TV! Did anyone else watch it?

Am with you on the rose! Xxx
Chilling in the fridge (rosé not me) as the temperatures are in the 30s now! x
Beautiful photo to finish with – stunning!
Thank you Susi x
Just having a catch up Alison. Sounds like you and max are doing an amazing job. It’s lovely that you can restore pieces of furniture and find them a home. I wish we could visit – bloody COVID!!! Anyway we can keep our fingers crossed for next year xxx
One day – hopefully next year!