Blog posts

Only the best Marigolds

Hello Everyone

I hope you have all had a good week and weekend? The sun is finally shining here and the forecast is for warm weather this week – actually up to 36°C, so maybe quite warm!!

I apologise for such a late post and a short one this week. We have had quite an eventful week, some of it lovely, the latter part quite unexpected.

We started the week on work and the house – nothing out of the ordinary, so all good. We made one of our occasional (since the pandemic) trips to the supermarket for a big shop (encountering traffic problems on the way!), otherwise a regular kind of week. Max was chain-sawing wood in the garden, I was working on a charity grant application and leaflet.

Local traffic jam!

We also have some new additions in the field below us – 2 gorgeous little calves, born this week. Each year the farmer brings 3 – 4 of his cows across to the field below the terrace and the former parkland next to our house. They graze happily awaiting the arrival of their young and sometime in August the babes arrive. It is always lovely watching them take their first steps and gradually start playing with the other calves, getting more and more daring as the days go by. They are right by our garden this year, so I am waiting for the little ones to try to come exploring. I am not sure the electric wire will keep them out, and we have yet to fence that part of the tower garden.

On Thursday, we met up with some friends in St Antonin Noble Val for our first meal out in a year – outside I hasten to add (see post in Places to Visit for information on St Antonin). It was so lovely to catch up with friends, one of whom I have known since I was 9! We had a delicious Asian meal at Birdy Nem Nem (if you visit I would highly recommend this place), followed by some lovely ice creams. The sun shone and life felt a tiny bit normal. Masks were worn and hand sanitiser, as ever, was at the ready. How life has changed and this has become routine.

The next day Max felt a bit coldy. We thought it was due to dust or something. He didn’t look great and felt worse on Saturday so to be on the safe side we did some Covid tests. Negative for my son and I, positive for Max – somehow Max has contracted Covid! Unbelievable. He finally had his PCR test on Monday evening and is feeling better, having had a couple of rough days. We have had both our vaccinations which we know are not 100% but thought it might be nothing more than a few sniffles if we were to catch anything. We have been really careful and still wipe down all the shopping we buy! Aside from the village meal and Thursday’s lunch out, we have literally done almost nothing. My son and I have to do a Day 7 test on Saturday and we are all isolating at home for 10 days – even from each other to a greater degree – we are lucky we have the space!

On a more entertaining note, we were the lucky recipients of a wedding present from the friends we met. Marigolds! Not the pretty flowers, which I have in the potager, as they are a great companion plant for a veg garden (more on that another time). I am talking yellow Marigold rubber gloves for the kitchen. Be understanding of a middle aged woman! This will sound ridiculous but I find the ones I buy here are not great for washing up. Hopeless grip so I risk dropping glasses onto our ceramic draining board. Never in my life did I think that washing up gloves would be something to miss and then celebrate when I get them! But they are and thank you for the best wedding gift – probably really only for me!

As I often say it’s the little things that matter. The skies have been beautiful as always, there are so many butterflies in the garden, the raspberries and courgettes from the potager are delicious and plentiful and kind friends are doing some shopping for us, while we’re isolating.

I saw this the other day and though it very apt. This experience with Covid in the house has made me realise how tough it must have been, and still is, for many who are alone during this pandemic. I have spent a few days pretty much alone and am missing day-to-day human contact and a hug! I love my own space but take for granted that someone is around to watch a film with or have a giggle with. It has made me appreciate things that we often take for granted. I have to confess it hasn’t yet stopped me having a moan about the current situation – all in good time!

Later this week we hope to be meteor shower watching. If you like stargazing and feel like watching some shooting stars, then now is the time for the Perseid meteor shower. The best evening is 12th August apparently, between midnight and dawn if the sky is clear. Just before dawn is best but I have never managed that! Find a dark spot, take a reclining deckchair otherwise you get terrible neck ache! Allow at least an hour and if it is chilly take some hot chocolate! Let me know if you stay up to see this. There is something so completely magical about star gazing and even more so when you spot a shooting star.

Until next week, enjoy and stay safe.

A bientôt

Ali xx


  • John and James

    Hi Ali
    Oh we feel your frustration about being safe and doing everything right- we went positive on Monday day this week
    We feel like we’ve been in the ring with Tyson but wonder how bad we would have been without being double jabbed.
    Please send our best wishes to Max for a speedy recovery. We have neighbours who have shopped for us. We were supposed to be off around the South for 2 weeks catching up with friends and family but alas our sitting room has benefitted from our presence and watching old movies!!
    Looking forward to your next blog
    Much love
    John and James xx

    • Ali

      So sorry to hear that you have both been through the Covid nightmare. I hope you are feeling better now? As you say thank goodness for the vaccination. Like you Max was quite ill, I can only imagine how it might have been without the vaccination. He is feeling better now but still no taste or smell. I have my next test tomorrow so fingers crossed. One of these days we will actually meet up again – perhaps here??
      Look after yourselves and hope you are on the mend. Lots of love Ali xx

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