Pancakes and Purchases
Bonjour to you all
How are you and how is February going? I can’t believe we are half way through February now! It really does seem as though time has sped up. I am trying to slow down a little, enjoy the ride rather than racing through each day. Easier said than done most days, what with work, the house, the garden, general life stuff and everything else. Our February fortnight has been filled with work, household chores and that never ending renovation list, as well as pancakes, books and some brocante finds, amongst other things. Max has been getting the bannisters ready for the main staircase, as my Mother really needs something more than our staircase has to offer, now that she is more mobile. My younger son has just finished his Masters which is very exciting. I just hope he gets the result he wishes for and deserves.

After a very foggy start to February, we have had rain and now a couple of sunny and warm days. There are real signs of Spring here, the first wild violets are popping up all over the garden, the wild plum is just bursting into blossom, the daffodils have fat buds waiting to open and a few of my garden hyacinths are almost in flower. I was rather late planting some of my bulbs this year for one reason and another, so decided to pop them in pots for the house. They too are now beginning to bud so we will have lots of wonderful daffodils in the house. I love Spring flowers – daffodils are one of my favourites, I long for a garden with swathes of daffodils sweeping across lawns and under trees. I have yet to plant enough bulbs for this but each year I add a few more here and there…one day perhaps. With the arrival of signs of life in the garden, I realise just how much work there is to do. The roses all need pruning, the weather has been too cold to do this before now. I usually wait until after the end of February, forgetting that I live much further south now, so this job is at the top of a long list, now underway but many a rose bush still to tackle. The buddleia and the wisteria need a major haircut, as do some of the hedges before the birds start nesting. I don’t have too much time left for this, so another high priority task otherwise it will have to wait until after nesting season! We also have a pile of tree branches that were cut down some time ago and have overwintered near the covered terrace. The plan was to chop them up for firewood and kindling ages ago but it was always either raining or freezing on the days we wanted to do it. Another job now underway, hopefully an hour here and there will see it done over the next week.

As I mentioned, pancakes have been on the menu twice this month. The first time was on 2nd February for ‘La Fête de la Chandeleur’ – Candlemas – celebrated in France with delicious crêpes the Jour des Crêpes here. This is a custom we have been very happy to adopt, so we tucked into a variety of pancakes, some vegan (made with chickpea flour, water and olive oil), some using a French crêpe recipe, all thoroughly enjoyed! Obviously we couldn’t ignore Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday, or Mardi Gras (literally Fat Tuesday) as it is known here. Although pancakes do take a bit of a while to cook if you are making a few (I tend to do mine all in one go and put them in the oven to keep warm, so I can sit down and enjoy the meal with everyone) they are really worth the effort. Each year I say we should eat them more often and sometimes I make farinata, the vegan version, but otherwise we only ever seem to eat them if we go to a crêperie. Same thing every year – I wonder why?

I am a huge fan of second-hand books and often order through World of Books, or WOB as they have decided to call themselves (who thought that was a good idea?). I also love book cabins – often found in old phone boxes or cabinets by the wayside, filled with pre-loved (or not) books. Our nearest one is in Cordes and has supplied us with many a book. I am trying to instigate a ‘one in one out’ policy, with very little success so far! Our house is full of books and still we add to the book collection. Anyway the reason I am telling you this is that I picked up a book from the cabin a few months ago and when reading it found a card tucked into the back of it – a love note. As it was Valentine’s Day this week, I thought I would share this with you, old romantic that I am. A card written 10 years ago, how beautiful and yet how sad that it has been lost:

This year has also seen us brocanting a bit more, especially in the last couple of weeks. I am not sure we really need any more ‘stuff’ but like the magpie that I am I just can’t resist a quirky piece, a pretty bottle, a painting, a frame and other such delights! These are a few of our latest finds, each one destined for somewhere, just not sure exactly where yet! Here’s to lovely old things that arrive with a history that often we will never know. Where did the beautiful blue enamel number 9 come from, a local front door or far away in another corner of France? Who cooked with the wonderful copper mould and what was the kitchen like that it came from? The amazing blue glass door handles must have looked fabulous on whatever door they originally opened. Wouldn’t it be fascinating to know the stories of these objects?

Enjoy the rest of February, a leap year this year so I will see you again on 29th! I would love to hear about your stories of unusual or exciting finds.
A bientôt
Ali xx