Blog posts

Snakes in the Salon! Shrews in the Séjour!

Hello everyone and a belated Happy Easter

Firstly apologies this is rather late – I got distracted by clearing overgrown flowerbeds, wildlife in the house and by my new garden helpers:

Plus a very special garden visitor on Easter Saturday:

Easter Day was chocolate day for me (I gave it up for Lent, lifelong habit) – I have been looking forward to it. I love dark chocolate, the higher the cocoa content the better. Max is less keen on anything over 70% but I love 100% – so bitter and delicious. What is your favourite chocolate treat? Some friends gave us some yummy chocolate eggs which we are enjoying. I made a batch of chocolate truffles as my Easter gift to them and our neighbours, but am keeping a supply for us too! We were given a rather potent plum eau de vie which I thought I might use for flavouring, but in the end I used a selection of liqueurs: the lovely Patron coffee liqueur, Grand Marnier, Sailor Jerry’s Spiced Rum with some raisins thrown in and a couple of non-alcoholic ones too with praline and cranberries. Choices!

For the first time since last September and just before the latest lockdown here, we had two lovely friends over for a garden lunch on Friday. We were fortunate to have gorgeous weather and spent all afternoon enjoying a long lunch and a wander around the garden. The perfect tonic in these challenging times, suitably socially distanced of course. We were celebrating the birth of their first grandchild in South Africa. It is so hard for them that they can’t go and visit, but there were lots of photos of their grandson and thank goodness for technology, and macarons.

The sun is shining here and I was treated to the amazing sight of two hot air balloons over Cordes on our way to the market on Saturday. Riding in a hot air balloon is one of my dreams. My lovely boys bought me one for my 50th birthday, which was the best present ever. Sadly the day of my flight was too windy so it was cancelled, then my eldest son became ill and I didn’t want to do it until he could be around for it. His illness has lasted for 7 years now and we have moved. I hope one day the company will let me redeem my flight – we will see. It was fascinating to watch the two balloons trying to gain height – one disappeared into the clouds. Luckily the clouds lifted so I am sure they had fabulous views over Cordes and the surrounding countryside.

The kittens, now 7 months old, are having the best time in the garden. All day every day, then slightly more restful nights for us as they are quite exhausted. There have been a few heart-stopping moments – their first encounter with the neighbour’s cat and Louka managed to fall into the cattle trough in the adjacent field. The meeting with the neighbour’s cat , who has always used our garden as her own so might have objected to the new inhabitants, actually went well. The kittens are quite curious and she seems to recognise this. There is no hostility on their part and she warns them off if they come too close. So far so good! Louka’s soaking also doesn’t seem to have caused lasting damage. I had just gone into the garden with my cup of coffee when I heard a splash and looked up to see a streak of brown shoot out of the trough. One very wet and confused cat appeared on the terrace lawn, shaking his legs not sure what was going on with his now very wet fur! Quite entertaining to watch but he was a bit unsettled.

Slightly more alarming was the discovery of a Western Whip Snake under the dining room table which is currently in the salon.  I was on a work call when Max appeared with the fire tongs wielding a very long, but fortunately quite sleepy, snake. I don’t mind the snakes in the garden, but in the house… We wondered if the cats had brought it in, or if it had overwintered somewhere in the house. Not a pleasant thought. I have since felt the need to check down the back of the sofa and armchairs just in case! Sadly I don’t have a photo of this discovery but I am sure your imagination can conjure up the scene.

The kittens also found 2 shrews in the séjour – in fact they may well have been responsible for them being there in the first place! One sadly died – I think of a heart attack which is quite understandable with 4 kittens looming over it. The other emerged in the evening while we were watching TV and we managed to save it. The joys of cat ownership.

The fruit trees are enjoying the sunny warm weather. We are forecast minus temperatures at night this week, so I hope it doesn’t damage them and we lose our fruit crop. The quince tree blossom is beautiful and the pear is now fully in flower. My little apple tree is also in full bloom. Lovely colours, bees and butterflies everywhere.

I am spending the long Easter weekend in the garden as the compost has finally arrived at the déchetterie (tip). We have loaded up twice now so that should keep me going for a while. I have lots of seeds, some lettuce plants and a huge amount of lavender to get in, not to mention my rhubarb plants – although I might wait with that until next weekend if it is going to get very cold again. The lettuces have gone in but are now nestling beneath a small polytunnel to protect them from the coming week’s chilly nights! I find gardening a great stress reliever so after a challenging work week, more problems with couriers (this time DHL) I need a bit of time planting seeds, weeding and sorting out the rose garden.

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend. This Easter, like so many occasions over the last year, is hard for everyone, especially those on their own and far from family. We all miss family and friends and look forward to when we can all meet up again. For now we just have to make the best of each day and enjoy the little things. For me the sunrises and sunsets never cease to amaze me.

Until next time.

A bientôt

Ali xx


  • Teresa callum

    Hi Alison, hope you all had a lovely Easter? We had a quiet one like most. Loving the posts and the pictures. You have a great eye for interior design! I wish I had your talent! Lots of love from us and we will see you soon xxx

    • Ali

      Thank you Teresa. Easter was very quiet but nice weather. It is now very cold. Your home is lovely and full of style. Mine is dusty, cold and in need of an army of helpers! I do hope we see you soon. Love to all xx

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