Reasons to be cheerful
Hello from a very hot SW France
Temperatures this week have been in the 30s, reaching 38°C on Friday – very warm! It is at times like this that an old cold stone house comes into its own! All that moaning during winter about how chilly it was. Now we can walk in from outside and realise why we froze in the winter – so we could be suitably cool in summer. This is also helped by the ritual of opening windows and shutters first thing to let some early morning air in, then closing everything (shutters and windows/doors) from mid-morning to evening. This may sound odd, but it stops the warm air getting into the house. There is a definite balance to getting it right before the day warms up, particularly on the East side of the house. We are also really fortunate to have the pool too – a welcome cool dip late afternoon or first thing in the morning is just the thing! Very lucky and a major positive.
Reasons to be cheerful. The title for this post came to me one night and then reminded me of the Ian Dury song and concerts of my youth! A while ago now in years but not in spirit.
In these difficult times, we all need reasons to be cheerful. I have had another challenging week (family issues with my father in and out of hospital) and seem to have lost my motivation, my drive, as well as time to do anything, including finishing this post. I have work to do, piles of courgettes to turn into courgette brownies and the larger ones into chutney (the boys are getting tired of courgettes with every meal – but that is seasonal eating!), a house to continue decorating and a garden to tend. None of these things are getting done at the moment. Bizarre! Maybe it’s the heat, maybe the mountain of other hurdles. I am sure it is a passing thing and all will be back on track very soon. Maybe a few days off would be good?

Reasons to be cheerful 1: Garden
I have to concede that it has been a bit hot to do the garden beyond first thing in the morning. Max has been strimming the lawn as it was having a wild moment and I have been raking. Our lawn, such as it is, resembles the farmers’ fields post hay cutting at the moment. Mounds and mounds of cut ‘grass’ – very little of which is actually grass, more wildflower meadow. We have left some patches wild and have just created a fourth diamond-shaped bed which will be sown with wildflowers to attract insects. A reason to be cheerful as the lawn is looking tidier and the garden is very slowly taking shape. The potager is also yielding some produce so the late spring frost drama did not destroy everything. Plus I have some self-seeded tomato and cucumber plants, which is great as the seeds I planted didn’t germinate.

Reasons to be cheerful 2: New discoveries
My mood has not been helped by kittens weeing in random places, including two mornings in a row on our bed while I was sitting there having just stroked the little darling! Nor by the invasion of ants, both flying and crawling in one of the bedrooms, the one currently designated for the kittens’ food and litter trays. The bed has now been changed twice, and the ant (or rather kitten) room has been doused with a vinegar and water solution. Apparently ants hate strong smells and especially vinegar. For a couple of nights no ants! Wow it worked. I love old remedies like that using natural products, especially when they work. Another addition to my book one day! However this may also be the reason for the random cat weeing – maybe Louka hates the smell of vinegar too (and it is near the litter tray)! I am now trying cinnamon for the ants – something else they don’t like.
For info if you have a problem with ants invading the house, mix equal parts of white cider vinegar and water. Mop the floor by the door/ant entry point. You have to do this regularly as the smell fades but it really does seem to do the trick (as long as you don’t mind the house smelling of vinegar).
Reasons to be cheerful 3: Unexpected garden visitors
So back to reasons to be cheerful. Max was busy tidying up the spaces under the concrete stairs (see post: Some Concrete Plans) so we could stack some more of the wood that has been seasoning for the last year. There is an old cupboard in the corner which was used for storing pool stuff. One day it will have shelves and I will use it for garden pots, etc. In the meantime, he moved it to shift an old shutter that was propped up by its side. As an aside, it turns out this fits the only shutterless window in the tower so another reason to be cheerful. Anyway, he then spotted a little visitor fast asleep:

How lovely is that? Our own little hedgehog (not so little really), who must be living the dream in our garden as there are so many slugs, including two that popped in to the hall I am decorating the other evening! Cheeky. I must remember to put down a saucer of water for our little friend. A great reason to be cheerful!
Reasons to be cheerful 4: Views
As it is so hot, we are walking Bear (the mountain dog) early in the morning when it is cooler. Earlier this week we spotted these gorgeous hot air balloons near home, one scarily low for a moment. A dream of mine – my boys bought me a flight for my 50th but sadly the flight was cancelled due to bad weather. Since then there have been other reasons I haven’t been able to rebook it. I have no idea if I will still be able to use it but hopefully I will get to do this one of these days. I would have to get back to the UK first!

Another morning we took him up to a viewing point just outside Cordes sur Ciel – a quiet spot with amazing views and somewhere that he can go off lead safely.

Bear was pleased to have a change from local walks. For me the wildflowers on this walk are stunning, especially the fields of purple – all different shades. It looks like a type of clover and smells heavenly.

Reasons to be cheerful 5: Sunflowers
On the way I had noticed that the sunflower fields are coming into flower – fabulous. A definite stop on the way back. Then, whilst admiring the view of Cordes bathed in morning sunlight, I spotted more fields of sunflowers, so on the way back we took a quick detour to enjoy the sight and for me to take some photos. There is nothing more cheering than a sunflower and fields stretching as far as you can see filled with these happy flowers is breath-taking. They all had their faces turned towards the sun, like rows and rows of sun worshippers. Beautiful views, smiling sunflowers, colourful fields and wildflowers – some very good reasons to be cheerful!

Reasons to be cheerful 6: Colour
Our hibiscus bushes are in flower – so pretty, including one I had not spotted before now. The lavender is enormous this year – it must be enjoying the weather – such long stems, wafting gently in a warm breeze today and the grapes are continuing to flourish. Flowers and plants bring so much cheer to a garden, patches of colour brightening up a corner or mixing/co-ordinating with other colours to create a beautiful scene.

Reasons to be cheerful 7+: Lots of little things
What are your reasons to be cheerful? Some more of mine are shopping at the market, freshly baked bread, a lovely glass of chilled rosé on a summer’s evening sitting on my terrace, a swim, the rescue animals (in spite of the accidents!), a chat with family or friends, bees in the lavender. I won’t go on, but I shouldn’t forget coffee and chocolatines!

So enough feeling sorry for myself – I am living in a fab house in SW France, a long held plan of mine. The views are great, life is pretty OK and whilst I miss seeing family and friends, I have plenty to be cheerful about. Perhaps occasionally we all need a moment!
Next week I am going to organise a visit to our local vineyard with some friends for a wine tasting, plus we have the annual village meal. News on that and more next week.
Wishing you lots of cheerful moments.
A bientôt
Ali xx